Proxibid continually works to enhance, improve and eliminate issues. Below are AuctionBuilder's newest features and enhancements we've released.
For a list of 2022 release notes, click here.
This publication contains the following sections:
- October 2023
- September 2023
- August 2023
- July 2023
- June 2023
- May 2023
- April 2023
- March 2023
- February 2023
- January 2023
October 2023
Release Date: Week of October 16, 2023
- Introduced [invisible] RECAPTCHA on the add payment method modal for added security.
- Streamlined performance in areas to reduce loading times.
Bug Fixes:
- Corrected intermitted errors when reviewing bidder information and auctions.
- Fixed issue where the 'Get More Info' button below the bid box was not able to find its reference.
Release Date: Week of October 9, 2023
- Improvements made to improve page speed performance.
- Default sort results showcasing ending soonest.
Bug Fixes:
- Fixed when atgPay was enabled unexpectedly on events.
- Note: atgPay enablement behavior requires enablement for each event unless using an auction template that has atgPay enabled.
Release Date: October 4, 2023
Bug Fixes:
- Corrected issue that prevented auction status from being set to "online" when an atgPay enabled event was cross-listed.
September 2023
Release Date: September 25, 2023
- Proxibid Auctioneer sign up page and flow updated making signing up to sell on Proxibid easier than ever!
- Modifications to the auctioneer page to now show 45 archived events up from 30.
Release Date: September 20, 2023
- Updates made to Vehicle Sales Tax allowing auction house to determine if sales tax should or should not be charged on plated vehicles.
Release Date: September 14, 2023
Bug Fixes:
- Corrected issue where lot pages were not publishing the page type correctly
Release Date: September 6, 2023
- Lots without category IDs are assigned the auctions primary category so that they display on a category page.
Bug Fixes:
- atgPay: Use correct shipping addresses when calculating additional shipping charges
August 2023
Release Date: August 29, 2023
- atgPay: ACH no longer needs to be enabled as a payment method when utilzing the credit card limit feature.
- atgPay: Holds update; bidders and auction houses can see charged on invoices and winning bidder will receive email notification when the hold is collected.
Release Date: August 9, 2023
- atgPay: Holds feature is here! Holds runs an availability of funds on potential bidders, which is immediately released; ensuring the bidder has available credit to participate in an event.
- atgPay: Bidders can now add credit cards from MyProxibid whereas previously was only able via checkout process.
Bug Fixes:
- Corrected issue where subcategories were changing order after clicking on show more in mobile
Release Date: First week August 2023
- Updates and additional images for subcategory images
Bug Fixes:
- Corrected issue with carousel ads not displaying consistently
- Navigation and footer corrections
July 2023
Release Date; July 26, 2023
Big Fixes:
- atgPay: Improving intermittent issues related to Autopay. The potential root cause has been identified and monitoring has been added to capture potential issue before they occur.
Release Date: July 12, 2023
- atgPay: Bidders now have the ability to add new cards and manage their payment methods (including ACH accounts) from within their MyProxibid account page at any time and not just at checkout. This includes indicating a default card to be used for future payments.
- A new Payments Info Page has been established which will allow a bidder to find previously loaded card.
- For more information, see atgPay: Managing Payment Methods.
June 2023
Release Date: June 28, 2023
- atgPay: We have removed the shipping and secondary payment limitations related to Autopay. Autopay can now be used with any shipping method as well as with subsequent charges emailed to the winning bidder.
Bug Fixes:
- atgPay: We have corrected an issue where the 'Process Now' button for Auctioneer Initiated Payments could be multi-clicked resulting in winning bidders being charged in duplicate.
Release Date: June 14, 2023
Bug Fixes:
- Corrected an issue whereas using the left column filters on to select Featured Lot List and Date Range were returning no results.
May 2023
Release Date: May 31, 2023
- atgPay: Added the ability for auction houses to initiate bidder payments on invoices.
- Full documentation can be found at atgPay: Auctioneer Initiated Payments.
- atgPay: Began retaining bidder tax exemption certificates so that they no longer need to be submitted for each invoice.
- Full documentation can be found at atgPay: Tax Exemption Certificates.
Bug Fixes:
- Corrected an issue where the Winning Bidder Report was not accurately showing the payment information, shipping amount, or sales tax.
- Shipping was showing $0, even if charged.
- Exporting to a .CSV was showing $10 shipping being charged on each lot.
- Invoices paid via Bank Transfer (ACH) were showing as credit card payments.
Release Date: May 24, 2023
- atgPay: Ability to Limit Credit Card Transaction Amounts
- Full Documentation can be found at: atgPay: Credit Card Limits
- Bug Fixes:
- atgPay: Corrected an issue where shipping charges were being added twice or coming through as service fees vs. shipping fees.
- atgPay: Corrected issue where winning bidder report was not accurately displaying payment info, shipping amount or sales tax.
- Corrected an issue where when creating a new timed auction utilizing a template with start/end dates in the past the error handling is not properly capturing and returning an empty string.
- Corrected issue where the reserve email was not being sent.
Release Date: May 3, 2023
- CAPTCHA has been implemented as part of the password reset process.
- If a bidder has not yet registered (or is pending/declined) for an event, the 'Bid Now' button will now display the bidder's registration status and prompt the bidder to register or provide additional information needed in order to register.
Bug Fixes:
- atgPay: Corrected issue where extra characters were incorrectly appearing in the Misc. Charges textbox when saving an invoice.
- atgPay: Corrected an issue where invoices cannot be sent if the Additional Fees textbox is blank.
- atgPay: Corrected a balance mismatch issue where invoices where rounding off by 1 cent.
- Corrected an issue where CAPTCHA was producing a “Username already exists” error when creating new bidder accounts.
April 2023
Release Date: April 19, 2023
- atgPay email template updates:
- Previously two invoice emails were sent to the winning buyer; moving forward, only one invoice email is sent (unless invoice is resent).
- When paying via Bank Transfer (ACH), the email template has been updated outlining payment has been initiated and includes verbiage that bank transfer can take 5-7 business days to fully process.
- Implemented a CAPTCHA interface during bidder account creation to improve bidder account security.
- Implemented display improvements to accommodate users with screens larger than 1440.
Bug Fixes:
- atgPay: Corrected an issue where, during checkout, warning banners would remain even after the issue was resolved. This has been corrected and the banner will now disappear once the error is corrected.
- APN: Corrected an issue where deposits where showing but the invoices were not importing.
- Corrected an issue with the current bid not displaying correctly. Current bid on lot card now updates correctly upon page refresh.
- Corrected issue with categories displaying incorrectly in the left panel on
- Corrected issue where, when searching for lots by category, some categories with lots were not displaying any lots.
- Corrected an issue where lots ending before the auction ended led to 404 errors.
- Corrected an issue where disabled lots where leading to 404 errors.
- Corrected an issue where the All Categories page on wasn't displaying categories.
Release Date: April 5, 2023
- atgPay: Autopay is enabled for use on all events for Auction Houses who have completed the atgPay application and onboarding process.
- Note: MVP features for AutoPay and eligibility remain the same.
- Click here to learn more about atgPay
- Updates to our Event Operator Option Information Modal. We have updated the messaging when selecting Operator Option while creating/editing your event to match our policy.
- Mobile number field has been moved to the top position on both the sign up and My Proxibid > Account pages.
- Past events and lots can no longer be deleted once the auction/event is marked closed.
- Note: Although not advised, should you have a need for previous event/lots to be deleted, please reach out to our support team to discuss further.
Bug Fixes:
- Corrected issue where some lots were displaying [NO_TITLE] in Title field.
- Corrected issue where lot end times for timed auctions were not being updated correctly.
March 2023
Release Date: March 30, 2023
- Lots and catalogs from an event in a Live, Closed, Ready to Invoice, Invoiced, or Archived event status can no longer be deleted. Please contact Proxibid to have lots and/or catalogs deleted from these events.
- Events in a Live, Closed, Ready to Invoice, Invoiced, or Archived event status can no longer be deleted. These events can still be archived. Please contact Proxibid to have events deleted.
Release Date: March 22, 2023
- atgPay: Synchronization of payment status. Statuses will update daily (not in real time) within the new "Transactions Summary" section of the invoice and lower right of the Winning Bidder list showcasing one of the following statuses:
- Paid
- Payment Initiated - Processing
- Payment Failed
Important items to note:
- Feature is not retroactive. Previously closed events will retain the "Paid" verbiage.
- In this iteration, buyers will not receive notifications if payment needs to be reattempted at this time.
- Bank Transfer (ACH) transactions can take longer to process (bank dependent) and can remain in the Payment Intiated - Processing status longer than payments sent via credit card.
- For more information, see atgPay: Invoicing and Bidder Payments.
Important items to note:
- Visual changes to Lot Detail Page, Watching and Want to Participate buttons for easier access.
Bug Fixes/Maintenance:
- Corrected missing shipping line item on invoices where atgPay is not utilized.
- Corrected issue where processing fee was incorrectly calculated if multiple payments were on an invoice when atgPay is enabled on the event.
Release Date: March 17, 2023
Bug Fixes:
- Corrected an issue where taxes were calculating incorrectly for events using atgPay where the invoice contained multiple payments. This will correct the issue for future invoices. For current invoices where taxes are not calculating correctly, click the Save button at the top of the invoice to recalculate taxes and then re-send the invoice to the bidder.
Release Date: March 8, 2023
- Added the ability to accept multiple payments on an invoice via atgPay. For more information, see the 'Multiple Invoice Payments' section of the atgPay: Invoicing and Bidder Payments help article.
- Updated the Autopay bidder emails to include a timeframe for when they will be automatically charged. For more information, see atgPay: Autopay.
February 2023
Release Date: February 22, 2023
Enable Autopay: Events utilizing atgPay now provide buyer autopayment options of 24 or 72 hours. Buyer credit card on file will be automatically charged 24 or 72 hours (depending on selection) after initial invoice has been sent.
- Video of Autopay enabling in action. Includes suggested verbiage found in the atgPay: Enabling on an Event help article.
Note: This feature continues to be built out and refined. In this first iteration the following conditions need to be met to utilize autopay:
- The buyer should have a valid credit card (not available yet for ACH) on file.
- Buyer has previously paid for an item utilizing atgPay since the ACH feature rollout (Feb. 2, 2023).
- Autopay is only compatible with "Local Shipping" and "Arranged by Bidder" options for shipping methods.
- If all criteria is met, the buyers invoice will indicate which credit card will be automatically charged.
Release Date: February 8, 2023
- To improve performance of live bidding over 1500 lots, pagination was added to the live bidding catalog window. If a catalog is greater than 1500 lots, then pagination will display 100 lots per page.
Release Date: February 2, 2023
- Allow winning bidders to pay for winning items via Bank Transfer (ACH) in events using atgPay.
January 2023
Release Date: January 25, 2023
Maintenance/Bug Fixes:
- Updated processes related to staggered end times to be more efficient and stagger correctly.
Release Date: January 11, 2023
Bug Fixes:
- Fixed a bug where bidders with multiple paid invoices were unable to view their correct paid receipt.
Fixed an issue where bidder address validation would fail if a shipping address contained a space in the zip code field (ex. Canada).