When a bidder makes a payment through atgPay, there are a few different steps or statuses for the transaction process. These different statuses are not intuitive. Please refer to the following guide to understand exactly what is occurring with a specific transaction.
In Payrix
In Payrix the following statuses will be found under the Payment History section for individual transactions.
Approved - The initial stage of the transaction process: the card has been verified to have the funds required for the transaction available, but the funds are still in the bidder's account. Will always show on the Payment History page, including after the transaction has moved to a different part of the process.
Pending - The funds have been verified, but no further action has been taken - essentially a placeholder status until it is replaced by one of the following statuses.
Captured - The secondary stage of the transaction process: the funds have been removed from the cardholder's account. This does not mean the transaction is complete.
Settled - The final stage of the transaction process. The funds have arrived in the auction house's Payrix account, and the transaction is complete. We do not recommend releasing items to the bidder until the transaction reaches this point.
- Does not apply to ACH funds. We strongly advise that you wait the full 5-7 business days of processing time before releasing to the bidder, or until the ACH transaction shows under the Completed tab of the Balance Details section of Payrix.
Failed - The transaction has not been allowed by the cardholder's financial institution (which will show as soon as the cardholder attempts it). Can also apply to transactions declined by fraud protection (which can show as late as after the transaction has been captured).
- If a transaction has been declined by fraud protection, it will not be able to be processed through atgPay.
Returned - (Only applies to ACH funds) When the bidder's financial institution declines an ACH transaction.
Voided - The transaction was canceled.
In AuctionBuilder
On AuctionBuilder the Invoicing screen will show whether a payment has been initiated or not for a specific invoice. If a transaction has been successfully initiated, it will show as Paid. However, to see further details about the current status, you will need to look at the individual invoices. At the bottom of the invoices, you'll see the following
Payment Initiated - Processing - The funds have been verified and are currently in the process of moving from the bidder's card to the seller's account. This means the transaction is in either "Approved" or "Captured" status in Payrix.
Paid - The funds have been transferred from the bidder's account to the seller's account. We do not recommend releasing the items to the bidder until the funds have reached this point.
Payment Failed - The transaction was declined by fraud protection. This can occur even after the initial fund verification occurred and the funds were removed from the bidder's account. This transaction will need to be processed outside of atgPay.