This guide should help to explain the steps and the things to consider when using Wavebid to cross-listing your Proxibid Timed auctions.
Built to maximize your hammer prices, atgXL is a multi-marketplace integration from Auction Technology Group (ATG) that allows you to seamlessly list your timed auction on multiple ATG platforms.
Create an auction
1. Create a new event in Proxibid.
2. Ensure that Cross-list my auction is enabled.
3. Ensure the Event type is set to Timed and select desired Additional Marketplaces you wish to have your event cross listed.
- E.g and/or
4. Finish event creation as normal and Save.
More details on creating a Proxibid timed auction for cross listing can be found here.
5. Grab the Auction ID from either the URL or the Bulk Loader.
This concludes the steps needed from Proxibid now we can move over into Wavebid.
Proxibid Integration
Proxibid and Wavebid have an integration that allows users to export a catalog and photos directly, re-export changes to a catalog, and pull in sale results directly from Proxibid to Wavebid. This article describes the process for linking the accounts and exporting auction catalogs from Wavebid to Proxibid.
Follow the steps in this article
The article contains the following sections:
- Linking an Account
- Linking an Auction
- Exporting an Auction
- Importing Bidders and Sale Data
- Troubleshooting
Please pay special attention to the 'Exporting an Auction' section which highlights which data will or will not be exported from Wavebid to Proxibid.
Note, any time lots are re-numbered in Wavebid, the entire catalog with all images needs to be exported to Proxibid. Exporting only the impacted lots, or exporting with the New Photos Only box checked can create issues with the way lots appear in the catalog. For more information, see Bulk Lot Number Change.
Post Auction
It's recommended that clients use the Proxibid integration tool in Wavebid to pull results from Proxibid into Wavebid. Then, clients should manually import results into Wavebid from the receiver marketplaces where bidding is available (e.g. BidSpotter and/or LiveAuctioneers).
1. Using the Proxibid integration tool to pull back your results from Proxibid:
2a. Using manual import to bring back results from GAP Toolbox when BidSpotter and/or ATG White Label is the receiver platform:
2b. Using manual import to bring back results from LiveAuctioneers when it is the receiver platform:
Notes to consider:
- LiveAuctioneers adds leading zeros to lot numbers in the export - these need to be removed before importing results into Wavebid. More details here.
- When manually exporting results from LiveAuctioneers, the data in the export contains $'s and commas - these need to be removed before importing results into Wavebid. More details here.
- No bidding results can or need to be exported for ATG' Partner Network sites.