Welcome to AuctionBuilder! This article describes basic processes for getting started in AuctionBuilder, including how to access AuctionBuilder, basic site navigation, session limits, and how to access the Help Center.
This article contains the following sections:
Accessing AuctionBuilder
AuctionBuilder should be accessed using Google Chrome, Firefox, or Safari (Apple). To log into AuctionBuilder, visit www.Proxibid.com and click the Sign In located in the top right corner of the page.
Next, click the Seller Login link.
Enter login credentials and click the Log In button. Multiple users can be logged in at the same time using the same credentials. For more information about AuctionBuilder users, see User Management.
Please note that sellers who already have a bidder account on Proxibid should not use the email address associated with their bidder account to create a seller account. Doing so can create account access issues.
To reset a password, click the Forgot your password? link. A new page will open. Enter the username or email address associated with the seller account and then click the Continue button. An email will be sent to the email address associated (from registrar@proxibid.com) with that account containing steps on resetting the password.
To log out of AuctionBuilder, click the Log Off link located in the top right corner of any AuctionBuilder page.
Once logged in, a series of links can be found on the left side of page under the headings Auction Tools and Clerking.
The top section of this page contains the Auction Dashboard and the Auction Events section.
An auction company's profile can be found in the lower left corner of AuctionBuilder. For more information on updating this section, see Auction House Profile.
Session Time Limits
Sessions in AuctionBuilder expire after 30 minutes of inactivity. This log-out occurs as a security measure. The activities that occur within AuctionBuilder are confidential and should not be compromised.
In the bottom left corner of the AuctionBuilder page is a label in bold that says Session expires in.
There is a rolling countdown that starts at 29 min and 59 sec. At 1 min 59 sec, the lettering of the clock turns red as a warning of the session time. At 0 min 59 sec a pop-up warning window will appear instructing the user to extend the session.
A session can be extended at any time by clicking the words Extend Session located underneath the clock. A session is also extended anytime a new page is accessed within AuctionBuilder, or a new selection is made on a page.
When the session clock reaches 0, the user will be logged out of their AuctionBuilder account and taken back to the Login screen.
AuctionBuilder Help Center
The AuctionBuilder Help Center can be accessed any time by clicking the Help link located in the top right corner of any AuctionBuilder page.