This article describes the settings and processes for managing bidder credit card information from Proxibid to Auction Payment Network (APN).
This article contains the following sections:
Creating Auctions for APN
The settings of the auction listing in AuctionBuilder determine what type of bidder credit cards, if any, are accepted.
Before updating a Proxibid auction's event status to Online, confirm the types of credit cards selected on Payment and Terms page.
Generating Payments for APN
After a Timed or Live auction is complete, APN does not require bidder invoices to be emailed for the transactions to show.
To generate transactions after closing, change the auction's event status to Closed or Invoiced.
Once the event status is set to Closed or Invoiced, login to Auction Payment Network (APN) to refresh your Queues.
Please note, any bidder that is manually approved for an auction may not be available in Auction Payment Network for processing. To process the transaction to a manually approved bidder, an auction company must contact the bidder outside of APN.
For questions regarding APN, contact APN at (877) 839-7494 or