This article describes steps to access, sort, and filter a list of bidders who have registered for an event, as well as how to manually accept, decline, and report individual bidders.
This article contains the following sections:
Registered Bidder Lists
The Registered Bidders page houses information related to bidders who have registered for an event. This page can be accessed by clicking the Registered Bidders link located on the left side of the page in AuctionBuilder under Auction Tools.
*To access bidder information for archived events, see Event Archives.
This page can also be accessed by clicking on any of the Bidder Participation views on the Auction Event on the Dashboard.
Click on the Status drop-down to filter bidders based on their status:
- Pending: Awaiting review by the Proxibid Risk team.
- Accepted: Allowed access to bid in the event.
- Declined: Denied from bidding in the event.
- In Review: Has had an initial review by the Proxibid Risk Team, but has not yet been approved.
- All: Displays all bidders)
Click on the Sort By drop-down to sort bidders by:
- Paddle Number
- Name (first or last)
- Username
- Hammer Rating (lifetime hammer)
- Phone Number
The list displays the bidder's paddle number, username, name, status, email address, phone number, lifetime hammer (Hammer Rating), years with Proxibid, and whether or not their phone number has been verified. There are four lifetime hammer levels: no purchases (gray), $0.01 to $5,000.00 (bronze), $5,000.01 to $100,000.00 (silver) and $100,000.01 or more (gold).
To search for a bidders or bidders, enter the bidder information in the Search field in the top right corner of the page and then click the Magnifying Glass icon.
Exporting Registered Bidder Lists
To export the report, click the Export button in the top right corner of the page. Save the file as needed.
Actioning Bidders
To accept a pending bidder, click the Accept link to the right of the bidder's name. By accepting a bidder, the bidder will be able to participate in the event and will not be required to provide any further personal information. It is important to remember that any bidders approved outside of MarketGuard guidelines, would be the responsibility of the Auction House.
To decline a bidder, click on the Three Dots located to the far right of the bidder's name and select Decline. By declining a bidder, the bidder will not be able to participate in the event. Even if the bidder takes further steps to complete the registration process, the bidder will remain declined unless manual action is taken by the seller or by Seller Support.
To report a bidder to the Proxibid Risk Team, click on the Three Dots located to the far right of the bidder's name and select Report to Risk Team. The Risk Team will then take the appropriate steps to investigate the report as needed. Using this method to report a bidder is not the same as submitting an Invoice Review (Dispute).
Bidders can also be Accepted, Declined, or placed into a Pending status by clicking on their name and making a new selection under the Bidder Approval Options. Click the Save button at the bottom of the page to save the change.
Checking the Do not send approval status email means that the bidder will not receive an email notification indicating their current approval status.
Fraudulent Bidders
Proxibid's Risk team uses Marketguard and other tools to filter out bidders that may be fraudulent. If the Risk team determines that a bidder is fraudulent, the bidder will be declined from any auctions they are currently registered for.
If a bidder has already placed bids in an auction when the Risk team determines they are fraudulent, the Risk team will send an email to the auction house to notify them of the fraudulent bidder and ask if they'd like to have that bidder's bids removed from the sale. If the auction house would like to have the bids removed, they will be removed by the Risk team and notify the bidder of their removal.