This article describes how to download third-party tools for managing images and other files.
This article contains the following sections:
The Downloads page provides auction companies with access to third-party photo and file management tools. These tools include the following:
- IrfanView: An image viewer, editor, organizer and file converter program. This is useful for converting images into .jpg or .jpeg files. Images uploaded to Proxibid must be .jpg files. For information on using IrfanView, visit their help center.
- File Renamer: Rename files, folders and shortcuts in bulk. Numerate files sequentially, batch rename, replace strings, modify strings, change dates, modify file's attributes, etc. This is useful for when renaming a large number of images so that they fit Proxibid's Image Requirements.
To access these tools, click the Downloads link located on the left side of the AuctionBuilder page under Auction Tools. Click the Download link to the right of the tool to download it.
To simplify the catalog upload process you can also utilize this .CSV Template which contains a few of the required column headers for your bulk import.
Please contact Seller Support with any questions prior to adding any of these applications to a computer.