This article describes the process for creating a catalog in a spreadsheet and then uploading that catalog into AuctionBuilder. For information on adding and deleting photos, see Upload Catalog Images. For information on editing an existing catalog, see Edit or Delete Lots.
This article contains the following sections:
- Catalog Generator vs. Bulk Loader
- Formatting a Spreadsheet
- Uploading a Spreadsheet
- Re-Uploading Catalogs
- Troubleshooting
Catalog Generator vs. Bulk Loader
There are two methods for creating a catalog in AuctionBuilder: the catalog generator and the bulk loader. In general, the bulk loader is most useful when loading large catalogs with over 10 lots. The catalog generator is useful to load catalogs with less then 10 lots, and to edit specific lots after the catalog has been loaded.
The Catalog Generator allows auction companies to build an online catalog that matches their on-site lots by allowing more detailed control over adding individual lots. For more information, see Cataloging: Building via Catalog Generator.
The Bulk Loader allows auction companies to upload a spreadsheet containing lot number, lot title, and lot description into AuctionBuilder in one step.
Formatting a Spreadsheet
In order to upload a catalog, a spreadsheet must be created containing at least three columns:
Lot Number
- Proxibid does not recommend using special characters such as periods, dashes, or underscores in lot numbers, especially for events that are cross-listed. Alpha-lots (ex. 12A, 12B) should be used instead.
- Lot Title (100 character limit)
- Lot Description (5,000 character limit)
Additional columns may be added to include:
- Quantity
Lot Type: Enter a '1' in the Lot Type column for 'All One Money. Enter a '2' in the Lot Type column for 'Times the Money'.
- Please note, if the lot is set to 'All One Money', it cannot be changed by the operator during a live auction.
- Best practice is to enter the Sale/Lot Type into the Lot Title or Lot Description field and leave the Lot Type as 'Times the Money' with a quantity of '1'.
- Reserves: Reserves are not visible to bidders. Bidders will see "Reserve has not been met" on the lot. That verbiage is automatically removed once the reserve is met.
- Category: For more information, see Lot Categorization & Metadata.
- Fees: Imported fees must use the Code associated with the fee type found on the Listing page for the auction event. The format must be [code]:[amount]. Each fee should be separated by a semicolon with no spaces. Example: FEE:5;USST:5. For more information on fees, see Taxes, Fees and Premiums.
Starting bids: Must be in increments that align with Proxibid’s Default Increment Table as displayed below. If an auction company is using a Custom Increment Table, then the Starting Bid values must align with those increments. For example, the Starting Bid cannot be $27.00 as items between $25.00 - $99.00 are using a $5.00 increment.
Click HERE to view an example catalog .CSV.
For information on using a .CSV file to change the lot order, see Reorder Lots.
For information on using a .CSV file to renumber lots, see Renumber Lots.
Spreadsheet Requirements
- A catalog spreadsheet cannot contain duplicate lot numbers or column headers.
- All carriage returns and/or line breaks must be removed from lot descriptions.
- Lot Titles cannot exceed 100 characters. Lot Titles over 100 character will generate an error when attempting to upload.
- Lot Descriptions cannot exceed 5,000 characters. Lot Descriptions over 5,000 characters will generate an error when attempting to upload.
- Lot Descriptions should not contain underlined text. Importing underlined text could result in the entire lot description displaying HTML code.
- Rows that do not contain lot information should be removed from the spreadsheet.
- Lot Numbers must not contain spaces or special characters.
- Lot Numbers must not exceed ten characters.
- Catalogs should not contain any HTML code.
For tips on building a quality catalog, see Cataloging Best Practices.
Once the spreadsheet is complete, it will need to be saved as a Comma-Separated Value (.CSV) file format. Mac users will need to save the spreadsheet as a Windows .CSV file.
Uploading a Spreadsheet
Catalog Upload Step 1: Catalog Selection
- Click on the Bulk Loader link located on the left side of AuctionBuilder under Auction Tools.
- Select the auction event from the Select Catalog drop-down.
- Click the Upload Catalog button.
Click the Choose File button and then select the .CSV file.
- If the first row of the spreadsheet contains column headers, check the Yes radio button for the Does the first row in your file contain titles for each column? option. If No is selected, mapping will be based on column number (column 1, 2, etc.) rather than column name/title.
- For information on retrieving images from an HTTP server, see Upload Catalog Images.
- Click the Scan File button.
Catalog Upload Step 2: Mapping
Step Two of uploading is mapping. Match each field with the correct destination. The columns on the left (Source Fields) are those that appeared on the imported spreadsheet, while the columns in the drop-down represent the fields they will be mapped to in AuctionBuilder. If the column headers on the spreadsheet match those in AuctionBuilder, the mapping should be done automatically. If it is not, select the applicable column from the Destination Fields drop-down. For example, “Title” should be mapped to “Lot Title,” and “Lot #” should be mapped to “Lot Number".
For information on importing Categories and Lot Details (metadata), such as Make, Model and Year, see Lot Categorization & Metadata. These columns will not appear in the Destination Field drop-downs during mapping. They must be titled correctly in order to be imported.
- To have AuctionBuilder automatically generate lot titles for lots that don't already have one, check the Create titles from item detail box at the top of the page. For more information, see Auto-Generate Lot Titles.
- Click the Submit button. If a column is not recognized, a warning will appear indicating that there is further action or a correction needed.
Catalog Upload Step 3: Import Options
Select Catalog Options.
Use title case for title?: Selecting this option will capitalize the first letter of every word in the Lot Title.
Use sentence case for description?: Selecting this options will capitalize the first letter of the first word of every sentence in the Lot Description.
Select Image Options.
- Use lot number for image name?: Select Yes if the images are named according to lot number. Select No if special image names are being used and those image names are listed in the catalog spreadsheet.
- Image name contains padding using zeros: Select this option if images are named according to lot number, but the name contains padding using zeros (ex. 001.jpg, 002.jpg). Use the drop-down to select the number of zeroes used to pad the lot numbers. This option will only be available if Yes was selected for using lot number for image name.
- Image name contains a prefix before the number: Select this option if images are named with a pre-fix. Enter the pre-fix into the field. For example, enter "IMG" into the pre-fix field for images named IMG1.jpg, IMG2.jpg. This option will only be available if Yes was selected for using lot number for image name.
- Auto generate alternate images?: Select Yes to auto-generate alternate images. If No is selected, only the primary image will be loaded for each lot.
- Format of generated images: Use the drop-down to select the format that matches the image names. For example, if lot one is named 1, 1-1, 1-2, select "-1". The format must match the image names in order for alternate images to display.
- Start auto generate number at: Use the drop-down to select the image number that matches the first alternate image name. For example, if the first alternate image is 1-1, select one. If the first alternate image is 1-2, select two. In most cases, the first alternate image name will be one.
Apply above formatting to primary image?: Check this box if the formatting selected above also applies to the lead image. For example, if the formatting is 1-1, 1-2, 1-3, the box should be checked. If the formatting is 1, 1-1, 1-2, 1-3, the box should not be checked. The sample table at the bottom of the page will shift to provide examples based on the selections made above.
Click the Finish button. A confirmation message will appear at the top of the page. Any errors will appear below.
- Click the View Catalog button to review the catalog to verify that it's correct. Note that a catalog cannot be viewed on until the status is changed to either Pending or Online.
Click the Upload Images button to upload photos. For information on uploading and deleting photos, see Upload Catalog Images.
Re-Uploading Catalogs
Importing/uploading a catalog a second time (or any additional times) will update any data that has changed for any lots on the spreadsheet. However, the Starting Bid and Quantity on a lot cannot be edited via import if the impacted lots contain pre-bids. Those fields can only be edited on lots that do not have any pre-bids.
Values, such as Starting Bid, Quantity, and Reserve, should be included in every follow-up import. If a spreadsheet is re-imported and those fields are blank or missing from the spreadsheet, those values will be removed from the catalog. Again, the exception being the Starting Bid and Quantity for lots that contain pre-bids.
Re-importing will not, however, delete lots. For example, a spreadsheet is imported containing lots 1-100. The catalog is then imported a second time using a spreadsheet containing only lots 1-20. Lots 1-20 would be updated with the data from the second spreadsheet, while lots 21-100 would remain in the catalog, unchanged.
Lot Titles cannot be removed via import either. While a Lot Title can be changed via re-import, if the field is left blank entirely, the Lot Title will remain unchanged. This is because the Lot Title is a required field.
Images Not Loading
Images must meet all of Proxibid's Image Requirements. If those requirements have been met and the images are missing from the catalog, export the catalog and view the data contained in the Image columns. If there are no file names in the Image columns, the images were not mapped. The most likely cause is that some of the necessary selections were not made during Step 3 of the Catalog Upload process. To correct this issue, re-upload the catalog and make the correct selections on Step 3 (Import Options) of the Catalog Upload process (as outlined above).
Alternate Images Not Loading
One the most common upload issues users encounter occurs with the Apply Above Formatting to Primary Image? checkbox. If the box is checked, the primary image should have the same formatting as the rest of the lot images. For example, 1-1.jpg, 1-2.jpg, 1-3.jpg.
If the box is not checked, the primary image does not have the same formatting as the rest of the lot images. For example, 1.jpg, 1-2.jpg, 1-3.jpg.
If the Primary Image box was not checked/unchecked correctly, the catalog will not contain any alternate images. To correct this issue, re-upload the catalog and make the correct selections on Step 3 (Import Options) of the Catalog Upload process (as outlined above).
Punctuation Replaced with Question Marks
Punctuation issues may appear in a catalog when the operating system's characters use different coding than those recognized by the auction platform. As a result, the punctuation may be converted into question marks once the catalog is exported to a bidding platform. This generally occurs with commas, apostrophes, and quotation marks.
In order to correct punctuation issues within a catalog, the catalog will need to be exported to a comma-separated value (.CSV) spreadsheet. The punctuation on the catalog spreadsheet will need to be replaced and then the catalog will need to be re-imported. Visit the Wavebid Help Center for information on correcting this issues within catalogs exported from Wavebid.
500 Internal Server Error
Description: Application uses a value of the wrong type for the current operation.
The catalog may contain Lot Titles over 100 characters or Lot Descriptions over 5,000 characters. To correct this issue, delete some of the characters in the offending fields so that they meet character requirements, then save and upload again.
In Excel, the Length function (LEN) can be used to count the number of characters in various fields.
Missing 'Upload Catalog' Button
If the start date/time of a Timed event has already passed, users may not be able to upload a catalog to the event. To correct this, change the start date/time to one in the future, and/or contact a Seller Support about updating the auction company's settings to allow for catalog uploads for active Timed events.
HTML Showing in Lot Descriptions
Check the Lot Descriptions for underlined text. Proxibid will not accept underlined text. Having underlined text in a Lot Description will result in HTML code appearing in the entire Lot Description. To correct the issue, remove the underline from the text and re-import the lot.