This article describes the process for creating an auction event in AuctionBuilder.
This article contains the following sections:
- Create a New Event
- Event Number
- Event Type
- Event Title & Description
- Primary & Additional Categories
- Approval Criteria for Buyers
- Event Location
- Auction Currency Type
- Sequential Paddle Number
- Additional Features
- Video Tutorials
Create a New Event
To view a video tutorial on creating an event in AuctionBuilder, click here.
- Click the Create New Event link located on the left side of the page under 'AuctionTools'.
- A new section will appear in the center of the page.
- To create an event without using a pre-built template, click the Create a New Event link.
- To use a pre-built template to create an event, select a template name from the Pre-built Template field and click the Go button. If no pre-built templates have been created yet, this field will be empty. For more information, see Pre-Built Event Templates.
- Enter an Event Number.
- Select an Event Type.
- If the event is cross-listed, check the Cross-list Auction checkbox and then select the desired marketplaces (or White Label) the auction will be cross-listed on. Proxibid will be selected as a default marketplace.
- These selections cannot be changed once the event is created.
- These options will only be available to auction houses who have signed up from cross-listing via atgXL. To sign up for atgXL or additional marketplaces, contact your Client Success Manager.
- Enter an Event Title and Description.
- The Event Title has a 50 character limit.
- The Event Description has a 200 character limit.
- Select Primary and Additional Categories.
- Select the event's Approval Criteria for Buyers.
- Approval settings set in AuctionBuilder do not sync to GAP Toolbox.
- For events being cross-listed to BidSpotter or ATG White Label, default settings will be set at the account level during onboarding and will apply to those bidders. To make changes to these settings, contact Seller Support.
- If needed, reserve an audio stream. For more information, see Managing Live Events.
- For Live events (Live &Pre-Bid, Live, and Live Virtual), complete the Event Location information.
- For Live events (Live & Pre-Bid, Live, and Live Virtual), enter the event's date and time and select an operator option.
- For Timed events, enter the bidding start time and end time, as well as the closing time increment. For more information, see Managing Timed Events.
- For cross-listed events, the Set Bidding Start Time needs to be at least one hour in the future. This allows enough time for data to transfer from Proxibid to the receiving marketplaces before bidding begins.
- Select a Currency.
- Enter the Sequential Paddle Number.
- For cross-listed events, ensure that each marketplace uses significantly different ranges for paddle numbers to avoid any potential crossover.
- For example, the paddle seed in AuctionBuilder could be set to start at 1,000, while the paddle seed in GAP Toolbox could be set to start at 4,000.
- For additional event features, see below.
- Check the Require SSN box to require that all bidders enter the last 4 digits of their Social Security Number (SSN) when registering for the event.
- For cross-listed events being published to BidSpotter or ATG White Label, this setting will not synchronize as this feature is not available on those marketplaces.
- Click the Choose File button to select a Feature Image. This will be the image associated with the auction event. Select an image that represents the majority of the auction inventory, or use the company logo. For image requirements, see Proxibid Image Requirements.
- For cross-listed events being published to BidSpotter or ATG White Label, the Feature Image (or hero image) will not sync from AuctionBuilder to GAP Toolbox. On BidSpotter or White Label, the auction hero image defaults to the first image of the first lot in the auction.
- Click the Create button.
Once the event has been created, proceed to setting up Payment & Terms.
Event Number
The event number is a 1-6 digit code that is used to identify an auction event. This code must be numeric and is primarily significant to the auction company. Buyers will not see this number.
Often the event date is used. Using the date is convenient if there is no other preferred method of numbering and an auction company will only hold one auction per day.
Once a number has been used as an auction number, it is not available to use again.
Please note that this number is not the same as the Auction ID that is used for linking Proxibid to Wavebid. For more information, see Linking Events with Wavebid.
Event Type
An auction event can only have one Event Type.
- Live & Pre-bid: A live, on-site auction that will also be webcast online. These lots will also be available for online pre-bidding. For more information, see Managing Live Events.
- Live: A live, on-site auction that will be webcast online, but without pre-bidding. For more information, see Managing Live Events.
- Live Virtual: A webcast online live auction with pre-bidding for online buyers only. For more information, see Managing Live Events.
- Timed: An online-only auction in which 100% of the bidding will take place online. Timed auctions typically runs two weeks or less. Events cannot be changed from a Timed event type to a Live & Pre-bid event type. For more information, see Managing Timed Events.
Event Title & Description
Using an effective Event Title is important for catching a bidders attention as they peruse the Proxibid website for auctions to participate in.
Any specific information that did not fit into the Event Title field can be added to the Event Description.
Enter a detailed description that provides additional information regarding the auction that answers the question, “What is being sold in this auction?” Use keywords and try to use all 200 characters for the description. If there are specific name brands being featured in a catalog, those should be highlighted in the event description. A brief list of items can be listed in the description as well.
Primary & Additional Categories
The Primary Category selected for an event is very important as many bidders view auctions based on their category. The Primary Category should reflect the majority of the types of items listed in an auction. Proxibid Account Managers can also assist in determining an event's Primary Category.
The event will be displayed within the Primary Category selected on the site. Up to two additional categories can be selected as a secondary event categories.
Please contact Seller Support to enable the Collector Cars and Fine Art & Rare Memorabilia categories.
Categories can also be added at the lot level to assist buyers when browsing for items of interest. For more information, see Lot Categorization & Metadata.
Cross-Listed Events
A Primary Category that best matches the auction should be selected in AuctionBuilder. All Proxibid Primary Categories are mapped automatically to GAP Toolbox I&C primary categories, although the naming of them will be different. Click here for category mapping details.
Lot-level categorization in GAP Toolbox (BidSpotter and ATG While Label) will be handled by ATG’s auto-categorization tool. This tool reviews the uploaded lot’s title, details and primary category to determine which subcategory it best falls into.
If there are any firearms in the auction, the user has the following options:
- Separate the firearms assets by creating a new auction and selecting 'Guns & Military Artifacts' as the Primary Category.
- Proxibid will not charge an additional event fee for a firearm-only auction that is linked to a non-firearm auction.
- Please contact Seller Support to request to have the two auctions linked.
- If most of the auction assets are firearms, select the 'Guns & Military Artifacts' category as the Primary Category.
Approval Criteria for Buyers
Proxibid allows users to select the level of verification for approving buyers to participate in an event.
Please note that buyer approval criteria set in AuctionBuilder does not sync to GAP Toolbox. For events being cross-listed to BidSpotter or ATG White Label, default settings will be set at the account level during onboarding and will apply to those bidders. To make changes to these settings, contact Seller Support.
For questions relating to Proxibid's risk assessment tools, contact Seller Support.
Event Location
The Event Location should be the address where the live auction is taking place. This address is visible to bidders.
An accurate address ensures that an auction appears correctly on the maps generated by Proxibid.
If an exact address is not available, enter the cross streets of the nearest intersection. For example, "S 22nd St. & B St."
Checking the Show Map Link box will turn the event location into a hyperlink that will open a map displaying the location of the event.
Checking the Item Location box will add the event location to the lot level. Lots have already been assigned a lot location will not be updated.
Checking the Hide Item Location Details box will add the following verbiage to each lot: "All lots are located at event location".
Auction Currency Type
Auction Currency Type is simply the currency the auction will use. If an auction has atgPay enabled, only USD is permitted and all other currencies will be disabled.
There are twenty seven currency types to choose from. The standard for most auction events occurring within the United States is the US Dollar (USD). USD is the default currency selection.
The acronyms for most frequently used currency options are listed below:
- USD - US Dollar
- CAD - Canadian Dollar
- EUR - Euro
- GBP - British Pounds Sterling
- AUD - Australian Dollar
- JPY - Japanese Yen
- CHF - Swiss Francs
Use extreme caution and intention when selecting any option other than USD. The currency selected will be the only currency allowed for the event.
Sequential Paddle Number
Paddle number assignment allows up to six digits per paddle. The number entered will be the first paddle number assigned to the first online registered buyer. Paddle numbers can start at any desired number in the hundreds or thousands (3 or 4 digits). It is recommended to either start online paddle numbers where on-site paddle numbers end, or to select a start number that will not conflict with any of the paddle numbers assigned to on-site buyers.
If the Sequence Paddle number needs to be changed, it should be done before bidder registration begins. Updating the Sequence Paddle number after registration starts will not impact bidders that have already registered, unless each individual paddle number is updated manually. For more information, see Editing Bidder Paddle Numbers.
For cross-listed events, ensure that each marketplace uses significantly different ranges for paddle numbers to avoid any potential crossover. For example, the paddle seed in AuctionBuilder could be set to start at 1,000, while the paddle seed in GAP Toolbox could be set to start at 4,000.
Additional Features
Depending on how an auction company needs to customize their experience with the marketplace, additional features are available in AuctionBuilder. Please contact Seller Support to enable any of the features below:
Private Auction: Private auctions are not visible to bidders browsing on they are only accessible to bidders who have been provided with a link directly to the event. After checking the Private Auction box, a URL will appear that can be copied and then provided to bidders as needed. Auction companies also have the option of requiring a password in order to access the event. To do so, enter the desired password into the Event Password field and then click the Update button at the bottom of the page. Bidders will be required to enter this password in order to access the event.
- Hide When Invoiced: This feature removes an event from visibility on The event will not appear in search results or on the company's landing page.
- Use Sold Pending Confirmation: The feature enables auctioneers to hold the validity of the sale of a lot, or group of lots, until the sale can be confirmed. For more information, see Sold Pending Confirmation.
Display Buyer's Premium as "Tiered": Rather than listing a specific Buyer's Premium amount in the event listing, the Buyer's Premium will be listed as "Tiered". For more information, see Taxes, Fees and Premiums.
Block International Bidders: This feature prevent bidders from outside the United States from registering for the event.
- Determination is made based on the bidder's home address.
- Bidders from Canada and Mexico will also be blocked.
Video Tutorials
Click the links below to view full video tutorials on creating and managing events in AuctionBuilder: