This article describes processes and tips for creating and managing a Live Event in AuctionBuilder.
This article contains the following sections:
Live Event Setup
Stream Audio/Video
Proxibid allows an auction event to be live webcast. Streaming live video or audio from an auction creates an authentic, exciting and more appealing auction experience for online buyers as it makes bidders feel as if they are at the auction. Having audio and/or video will makes an event more interactive. The more interactive an event, the better online results will be.
If there is any chance the auction event may be streamed online, check the Stream Audio/Video box when creating the event to reserve a dial-in audio stream for the auction event.
It is strongly recommended that auction companies test their audio/video connection 24-48 hours before an auction begins. For more information, see Live Streaming Test.
Date of Live Event
Use the Date of Live Event and Start Time fields to enter the date/start time of the auction. The start time is the time bidders will plan on logging in for live bidding. If an event contains some inventory that will not be offered online, enter the time the online portion of the auction will begin. The on-site times can then be listed in the Event Description.
The Estimated End Date and Estimated End Time are used to assist the Proxibid Implementation team in scheduling support for events. If an event contains some inventory that will not be offered online, enter the time the online portion of the auction will end. The on-site times can then be listed in the Event Description.
Use the Operator Option drop-down to select whether the auction will be self-run or run by a Proxibid Operator. For more information, see Event Operator Options.
Managing a Live Event
Catalogs should be finalized prior to changing the status of a Live Event to 'Live'.
Some fields will be restricted from edits in Live & Pre-Bid events once the status is changed to 'Online'.
Additionally, certain edits will be restricted on lots with pre-bids. If a lot already has pre-bids, a message will appear at the top of the lot on Catalog Generator page. For more information on editing and deleting lots, see Edit Lots.
Prior to the Event
- Perform a live streaming test 24-48 hours prior to the start of the event.
- Test the computer setup and connection before auction day and then again before the auction goes live.
- Schedule periodic breaks for the software operator.
Auction Day
- If the event will be streaming live audio via a cell phone, call the Proxibid audio line at 402-504-3500 approximately 15-20 minutes before the event begins.
- Verify that all battery powered equipment is fully charged, and that back-up equipment is readily available.
- Launch the Auctioneer Application 30-45 minutes prior to the start of the event.
Uploading Images After Going Live
If there are just a few images that need to be added to lots, they can be added manually after the event goes live, however the Auctioneer Application will need to be relaunched in order for the new images to appear. Bidders will also need to refresh the Live Bidding Application.
If several images need to be added, follow the steps below:
- Change the Event Status from 'Live' to 'Online' and load the images.
- Change the Event Status back to 'Live'.
- The operator will receive a message stating that changes have been made and that they need to log into the Auctioneer Application again to view the updated event.
- Bidders that are logged in while the changes are taking place won't see the new images unless they refresh the Live Bidding Application.
- New bidders will see the changes.